This chicken sandwich recipe is a great lunch or dinner item because it doesn't take long to prepare and cook. A few ingredients and you're on your way!
2 ciabatta rolls
2 bonelless/ skinless chicken breast
1 slices large Tomato
6 slices bacon
2 slices provolone cheese
2 slices colby jack cheese
2 tbsp Guacamole Chicken Seasoning:
1 /2 tsp salt
1 /2 tsp garlic powder
1 /2 tsp chicken powder
1 /4 tsp black pepper
1 /4 tsp paprika
Step 1
1 Preheat griddle to 375-380. While heating, put chicken in ziplock bag and pound down until thin and even thickness. Put bacon on griddle and cook to your liking.
Step 2
2 Season chicken with seasoning and let rest till bacon is cooked. Remove bacon and get griddle to 375-380 degrees and add chicken to the bacon grease. Cook until internal temp is 165 degrees. Butter up rolls and put on griddle to toast.
Step 3
3 Once toasted, add tbs of guac to the bottom of the buns. Add sliced tomato and season with salt and pepper. Put chicken breast next and then a slice of provolone and colby jack cheese. Add the bacon and then the top of the bun.
Step 4
4 Put butter down on the griddle and add sandwich and some water to steam. Cloce lid or cover and let cheese melt.
